Course methodology
This course helps transition participants from graphical user interface tools to the command-line interface. It provides a solid background in Linux using Ubuntu as the environment for exploration and learning. Lab exercises combined with highly engaging activities will be used to reinforce learning objectives.
Course schedule
Days 1 + 2: General Linux and Ubuntu introduction
Lesson 1: Ubuntu background and Linux (1 hour)
- Describe the history of Linux and the Ubuntu distribution.
- Explain the Ubuntu release cycle.
- Describe the Ubuntu community structure and governance board.
Lesson 2: Ubuntu desktop tour (1 hour)
- Describe the key features of Ubuntu Desktop.
- Customise the desktop settings.
- Navigate to directories and files in Nautilus.
- Install and remove applications.
- Add new language settings.
Lesson 3: Using the command line interface (CLI) and sudo (3 hours)
- Essential CLI commands.
- cd, ls, grep, echo, uname, cat, less, more, rm, mkdir, touch, mv, nano.
- arguments.
- man command.
- sudo command.
Lesson 4: Networking basics (2 hours)
- Current configuration of network interfaces.
- ip, ipconfig, /etc/resolv.conf, route.
- Changing the network configuration.
- Testing for a working network connection.
- ping, dig, host, nslookup.
- • Managing the network with Network Manager.
- adsl, wifi, ethernet.
- Analyzing the network using Network Tools.
Lesson 5: Filesystem and basic backups (3 hours)
- Storage device naming system.
- The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS).
- Mounting and unmounting devices.
- mount, umount.
- Configuring fstab.
- /etc/fstab.
- Symbolic links.
- Creating an ext4 file system.
- ext2, ext4, xfs, mkfs.
- Managing file systems.
- fsck, debugfs, dump2fs, e2label.
Lesson 6: Permissions - User management (4 hours)
- Managing user accounts and groups.
- adduser, deluser, addgourp, delgroup.
- Different file system permissions.
- Assigning permissions to different users and groups.
- chmod, chown, chgrp.
- Creating default settings for new user accounts.
- /etc/adduser.conf.
- Creating a default environment using /etc/profile.
Lesson 7: Process management (2 hours)
- Displaying and interpreting process statistics.
- top, ps.
- Managing processes.
- kill, nice, renice.
- Scheduling processes (pending upstart plans).
- at, cron.
- Finding out who's using files or devices.
- lsof
Days 3 - 5
Lesson 8: Ubuntu background, community and support (2 hours)
- The Ubuntu community structure and governance board.
- Technical board, Linus, Linux, GNU, Debian.
- Support resources from Canonical, partners, and the user community including:
- Mailing lists.
- IRC channels.
- Launchpad and other sources for researching and reporting bugs.
- Official Ubuntu documentation and community documentation.
- Ubuntu release cycle.
- LTS, regular.
Lesson 9: Service management (6 hours)
- Upstart.
- SystemV compatibility.
- Starting and stopping system services.
- Kernel management and boot procedures (2 hours)
- Explain the working and functionality of Grub2.
- update-grub[2].
- Customise the Grub2 boot environment.
- /etc/default/grub.
- Explain the modular kernel.
- modinfo, /etc/modules, /lib/modules, /boot, /etc/initramfs, update- initramfs.
- Manage kernel modules.
- modprobe, rmmod, /etc/modprobe.d.
- Describe how udev creates device interfaces for hardware.
- udev rules, udevadm, /etc/udev/rules.d.
- Hardware management and monitoring (2 hours)
- Manage partitions.
- fdisk, cfdisk, system->administration->disk utility, parted.
- Display hardware information.
- lsusb, lshw, lspci, dmesg, lscpu, lsscsi.
- Monitor a hard drive through the SMART interface.
- smartctl.
- Use the memtest facility.
- /boot/memtest86+.bin, grub.
Lesson 10 - Package management (3 hours)
- Explain how packages are used in Ubuntu.
- packages vs applications, dependencies, conflicts, recommendations.
- Explain apt system, repositories and meta packages.
- apt-get, apt-cache, apt-key, repositories, meta packages.
- Manage packages using the appropriate tools.
- tasksel, update-manager, Ubuntu Software Centre.
Lesson 11 - Providing services (3 hours)
- Setup a basic LAMP environment.
- tasksel install lamp-server.
- /var/www/phpinfo.php.
- Setup a basic Samba file server.
- apt-get install samba.
- /etc/samba.smb.conf..
- smbpasswd.
- Set up SSH for remote access.
- apt-get install ssh.
Lesson 12 - Security (2 hours)
- Explain how AppArmor uses default profiles to secure your services.
- /etc/apparmor.d.
- Display current profiles used by AppArmor.
- aa-status.
- Explain how UFW works to protect your system.
- ufw.
- Configure UFW.
- ufw enable|disable etc.
Lesson – 13 GNOME configuration (2 hours)
- Localise your GNOME environment.
- system -> administration -> language support.
- Manage your GNOME configuration and restore a default state.
- gconf-editor, gconftool.
- Customise the GNOME environment.
- gdmsetup, /etc/gdm/.
- Connect to a network printer.
- system -> administration -> printing.
Lesson 14 - Monitoring / Landscape (1 hour)
- Set up munin for monitoring.
- apt-get install munin munin-node, /etc/munin/.
- Set up a landscape account.
- apt-get install landscape-client ; dpkg-reconfigure landscape-client.
- Register a computer with landscape.
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